let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG - The brand for groundbreaking custom software let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG - The brand for groundbreaking custom software

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let’s dev - The brand for groundbreaking custom software

UX-UI Design, a combination of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design, is crucial for developing user-friendly and appealing software solutions. The UX-UI Design team is responsible for optimizing the interaction of functionality, aesthetics, and user-friendliness. The design process focuses on the needs and behavior of users. UX designers engage in researching and analyzing user interactions to ensure a seamless and satisfying experience. UI designers focus on the visual design of the user interface, including layouts, color schemes, and graphics, to enable an engaging and intuitive interaction. The UX-UI Design team employs various methods, including user research, prototyping, and usability testing, to understand user needs and develop appropriate solutions. By integrating feedback and iterations, it ensures that the design meets user expectations and maximizes their satisfaction. Effective collaboration between UX and UI designers as well as developers is crucial to implement a consistent and user-centered design strategy. Through close collaboration, they can ensure that the end product is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Overall, UX-UI Design plays a crucial role in creating successful software solutions that meet user needs and expectations. By integrating UX and UI principles, companies can ensure that their products are both functional and user-friendly, thus gaining a competitive advantage in the market.


Our services
at a glance

We program customized apps and advise our customers on all topics related to app development. Our services are perfectly coordinated and based on experience from national as well as international projects.

User Experience (UX)

UX extends the concept of usability. Here, the user perspective is emphasized and emotional and aesthetic factors are more strongly included. UX describes the perception and reaction of a person resulting from the actual and/or expected use of a product, system or service. UX is not only about the mere achievement of a goal, but rather about the experiences that users have before, during and after using the product.

UX manages to arouse emotions in users. For this reason, the UX is a decisive factor in whether users associate positive feelings such as fun and joy with the product and whether they would like to use the product again in the future. The success of a digital product is therefore strongly linked to the implementation of a holistic UX.

User Interface (UI)

User interface is the term used to describe the user interface at which a person interacts with a computer, machine or work device. The term is also often abbreviated as UI. UI is often mentioned in connection with User Experience (UX). However, it should be noted that UX is primarily concerned with the user's experience in the application. The UI, on the other hand, describes the visual component by which the user operates the application. With the help of the UI, users can commumnicate with the computer and, for example, enter commands or information. A distinction can be made between different types of UI. There is the well-known GUI, i.e. the graphical UI. As mentioned before, these are visual interfaces that can be operated using a mouse or keyboard. TUI describe text UI that are only controlled with the keyboard. In addition, there is the VUI, voice UI. This gives the possibility to give commands to the computer by speech. This voice control could make it easier for visually impaired people to use computer applications. For experienced users there is also the possibility to communicate through the CLI, Command Line Interface.


According to the Duden dictionary, the term "design" refers to the functional shaping and resulting form of an object of utility. Accordingly, design not only creates an attractive appearance, but also pays particular attention to the demands of functionality.

A good design should always be oriented towards the people for whom it is being developed. The needs, requirements and interests of the target group should always be in focus, which makes a purpose-oriented approach possible. Sometimes in this point design differs from art.

Design is found in a wide variety of disciplines and we encounter it almost everywhere in everyday life. These are, for example, media, fashion or product design. In a technically oriented context, one encounters above all the terms software and user experience design.

We make it simple

Software makes life easier. It makes it easier to organize, communicate, work, sell, entertain. That's exactly what we do at let's dev: We transform complex topics and processes into direct, structured interaction. Because we combine a lot of experience with even more curiosity, we achieve trend-setting and high-quality results. This makes let's dev the brand for groundbreaking custom software.

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2 Locations
Karlsruhe & Hamburg


let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG

Alter Schlachthof 33

76131 Karlsruhe

+49 721 26 67 65 0


let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG

Eimsbütteler Chaussee 21

20259 Hamburg

+49 40 60 77 922 0