let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG - The brand for groundbreaking custom software let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG - The brand for groundbreaking custom software

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Enterprise app development in Karlsruhe and Hamburg

let’s dev - The brand for groundbreaking custom software

The use of mobile applications (apps for short) has become an indispensable part of everyday life. A variety of suitable apps are available for every situation. However, the apps must also meet the high expectations of their users, i.e. function smoothly and conveniently. Otherwise, a corresponding alternative is quickly sought. The same attitude naturally exists for applications in everyday work. In this context, we also speak of consumerization - i.e., the adaptation to usage behavior in the private sphere.

The core requirements of an enterprise app or business app can be divided into three basic areas. Crucial for success are a convincing user experience (UX) and good usability of the application, which are decisive for practicality and user acceptance. The performance potential of the application determines the economic efficiency. If business processes become more efficient as a result of using the application, a return on investment is guaranteed after only a short time. In order to be practicable, the application must guarantee the secure handling of user data and protect it from unauthorized access and loss. Without a legally compliant data protection concept the application cannot be used in the company.

let's dev can look back on several years of project experience in all the above-mentioned areas for enterprise app development and provides you with optimal support in planning your enterprise solution. We operate in numerous sectors such as insurance, industry & trade or logistics. Our team consists of over 30 specialists in mobile enterprise app development for iOS and Android platforms. Contact us if you have any questions about the services we offer or if you are looking for a partner to realize your enterprise app project. We will be happy to advise you.

Enterprise app development in Karlsruhe and Hamburg

Our services
at a glance

We program customized apps and advise our customers on all topics related to app development. Our services are perfectly coordinated and based on experience from national as well as international projects.

We make it simple

Software makes life easier. It makes it easier to organize, communicate, work, sell, entertain. That's exactly what we do at let's dev: We transform complex topics and processes into direct, structured interaction. Because we combine a lot of experience with even more curiosity, we achieve trend-setting and high-quality results. This makes let's dev the brand for groundbreaking custom software.

Contact us!

2 Locations
Karlsruhe & Hamburg


let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG

Alter Schlachthof 33

76131 Karlsruhe

+49 721 26 67 65 0


let’s dev GmbH & Co. KG

Eimsbütteler Chaussee 21

20259 Hamburg

+49 40 60 77 922 0