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let’s dev Blog | Neumorphism – A new era of user interface design?
by Julian
13. August 2020

Neumorphism – A new era of user interface design?

Usually, we at let's dev also create required graphics such as icons and symbols strictly without three-dimensional effects like drop shadow or outline. This is also the case with our header image for this blog post. But this post is supposed to be an exception - or is it? At the latest since the keynote of Apple's WWDC last June and the introduction of Big Sur's new operating system for macOS, it's clear that UX designers are facing something new, something that seems unfamiliar at first glance.

Trendsetter Apple

Admittedly: It was somewhat foreseeable and yet few designers dare to implement 3D elements, that actually end up being incorporated into an app. Today, if you search platforms like Dribbble, Pinterest and Behance, you will quickly find what you are looking for: Numerous website and app concepts with protruding buttons, glass-like icons and floating tiles are doing the rounds. And yet such concepts have been around for several years. But why is this trend really taking off right now?

It has to be said quite clearly that Apple is an absolute trendsetter when it comes to design. Last but not least, the introduction of the flat design from iOS 6 to iOS 7 in 2013 introduced a new design language and the understanding of app icons, which almost only consist of rectangles and circles, almost overnight. Numerous operating systems like Android or the Windows Phone quickly followed suit here. It remains to be seen whether the upcoming update to macOS Big Sur will open another chapter in the design world. It will also be exciting for the design content of smartphones, because in contrast to the update on Mac and the like, the design language remains untouched there for the time being.

Figure 1: New user interface under macOS Big Sur; Revised Dock with Neumorphism elements; Control Center with transparency layers; Photo and Mail windows with primary and secondary design elements.

Skeumorphism + Flat Design = Neumorphism?

Let's first take a look at the history of Neumorphism and how there was a first direction into this design language with Skeumorphism. In the first versions of smartphone and desktop operating systems, the aim was to make it as easy as possible for users to enter the digital world, but at the same time as familiar as possible. That is, if, for example, a note that was previously written down with a real pen on real paper should now "feel" as much the same as possible on the digital version. Thus, the appearance of the interface of the application or program was also designed accordingly. The notes app gets yellow textured paper with lines in a fancy leather cover. The camera app has a real-looking lens with a lot of shine, and the settings app has several protruding metallic gears.

The principle behind the design and the brainstorming about the look of an app were quite simple. However, this is by no means true for the graphic implementation of the graphic designers' designs. Ten years ago, there were no clearly defined guidelines on how to implement such a design. Even programs like Sketch, Adobe XD or InVision had not yet been developed at that time. In fact, there was only one program at that time, that still masters shadows and depth very well today: Photoshop. What is hardly used today as pure design software, was then the program for creating spatial icons.

Figure 2: Development of an App Icon from Real Object to Neumorphism Design

The switch to flat design in 2013 was a major turning point. Suddenly, plastic 3D effects such as shadows and textures were eliminated. The new design interface naturally drew a lot of criticism. Many users couldn't tell the difference between clickable buttons and non-clickable design elements. So it took some time for users to love and appreciate the newly introduced look. And since from now on, for example, the Notes app will only consist of two colored areas and three lines app icons became easier and faster - even if there are still many factors to consider for good and clear design. After a few weeks the flat design was established on the above mentioned platforms and became quite popular. After a few months, many websites and big brands also followed the design trend. Graphic programs were developed and it was easier than ever to create a screen design without drop shadows and disturbing effects.

With Neumorphism, in a way, the elements of Skeumorphism and Flat Design merge. And yet we have only just become familiar with flat design. Numerous companies are still converting their logos to the 2D look and removing gradients, gloss and reflections, and now all that is to be thrown overboard again? No, not quite. From a neutral point of view Neumorphism concentrates on objects interacting with light in a three-dimensional space. The right lighting now comes to the fore much more to the fore than ever before. Lights affect the transparency of an object, even its the function. But what does this mean for design? Objects are given more layers and depth again, and individual elements move back into the foreground thanks to light shadows. Objects lying on top of them are also with shadows and gradients from different angles, and transparencies make individual features stand out from the background. Thanks to these layers, it becomes apparent which feature is in the foreground.

Nevertheless, primary elements that allow the user to work quickly are designed quite simply in the flat design. Less important objects recede into the background and contain more effects such as transparencies. It is important to mention that the move to Neumorphism is less significant than than it was the case from Skeumorphism to Flat Design. This is because user confusion caused by a new design layout could have a deterrent effect, so that customers go back to other familiar software and products, and that is and that is something you want to avoid at all costs.

Neumorphism Finder Icon Further development Comparison

Figure 3: Further development of the "Finder" icon under macOS; the update from Flat Design to Neumorphism is less noticeable

You can love it or hate it

Much like the introduction of Flat Design, the first impressions and reactions on the social web are rather sobering and mostly negative. Neumorphism Design has been dubbed an "early design experiment", while some others have made the point that this was the work of designers more committed to formalism than usability. I myself have learned during the flat design era and have not and have not been involved in any projects that required skeumorphism. Therefore, I personally find Neumorphism as a basic concept quite good, it seems exciting and refreshing - however, it still has to be fully confirmed from the user's point of view. It will also be exciting to see how the design performs in everyday life and in daily use. Especially since many large technology companies are focusing on virtual and augmented reality, i.e. objects that can be depicted and displayed three-dimensionally in a room. If this makes our everyday life much easier with various VR or AR glasses, and helps us to do our daily tasks, then Neumorphism is just the beginning of something really big and comes just at the right time.

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