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Drudel 11



A digital learning experience for immigrants





A digital learning experience for immigrants





A digital learning experience for immigrants


Drudel 11


App development, Backend- and Web development


iOS, Android, Web


Swift, Objective-C, Android Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, HTML, CSS, Wordpress


Smartphone, Tablet


Languages, Learning, Integration, Migration, Gamification

Drudel 11

The Drudel 11 association was founded in Jena in 1993 and is a recognized youth welfare organization. The focus of all the association's own projects is to show young people new perspectives, to encourage them and to accompany them in discovering their strengths. To this end, resource- and solution-oriented approaches to prevention work and the development of young people's self-competence are implemented. The spectrum ranges from local offerings such as street social work and a youth education center to advice on getting out throughout Thuringia and digital training courses for violence prevention and integration that are accessible nationwide

A supporting program

With the AchSo! app, we want to make it easier for people who are new to Germany to find their way around in our society more quickly, confidently and self-determinedly. For this purpose, a digital, low-threshold and multilingual accompanying program for existing offers such as the integration courses was created with a lot of dedication to the project. Together with specialists and young migrants, the accompanying AchSo! app is intended to clarify the most common misunderstandings and the greatest challenges and to support them with helpful tips.

Drudel 11 AchSo! app as digital learning offer for immigrants

Learning social coexistence with fun

The main topics of the free app are, for example, communication, values and identity, exclusion, life in a pluralistic society as well as perspectives and obstacles. The educational content is conveyed through short, interactive and multimedia exercises, so that although the focus is on learning, working on the app is still fun. In addition to the exercises, the app offers a gallery of short videos on everyday suggestions such as assistance in dealing with bureaucracy or valuable tips on social coexistence. The app is also accompanied by the so-called "buddies" - a colorful group of friends who, thanks to their diversity, offer a wide range of identification options. They also try to find their way around in Germany and take the users with them on their journey.

An app with extensible content

The app AchSo! is currently available in Arabic, Persian and German available. More content will be added to the languages over time Extended Ukrainian and Tigrinya. In addition, essential parts of the app set to music and AchSo! be implemented in different contexts of use. The app is available on the Google Playstore for Android and the App Store for iOS free download ready. Oh I see! is part of the project “WeITblick – Digital training for the immigration society” and is administered by the Federal Office for migration and refugees from funds of the asylum, migration and Integration Fund and the Thuringian Ministry for Migration, Justice and consumer protection promoted.


Simple app extension thanks Content Management System

Using an intuitive CMS (Content Management System), the admins of Drudel 11 allows their content of the AchSo! app such as text, images, videos and other media sources to manage, edit, organize and also to republish. The CMS facilitates the administration of the App by taking care of the technical aspects of app design and maintenance simplified. Admins of the app can manage content via a user-friendly Enter and edit the interface without extensive technical knowledge to own. New exercises can be created, languages added, tips supplemented or push notifications created directly via the CMS and be sent.

Are you looking for a partner to implement your idea?

Whether on the phone, by mail or in person over a coffee: We will answer your questions and inform you about possibilities and technologies for your individual project. Contact us - we will be happy to advise you!

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