World Usability Day takes place annually on the second Thursday in November - this year
for the 15th time. On this day, experts and interested parties from research, industry,
education and administration come together to make the products and services on offer
easier and better to use (See:
The organizers invite you to 14 November 2019 from 17:30 in the meat market hall in
the old slaughterhouse in Karlsruhe. Under this year's motto "Designing for
the future we want", exciting presentations on hot topics such as artificial and
emotional intelligence and voice assistance await. Practical topics such as A-B and
usability tests, paper prototyping, and the specialization of UX professionals will not
be neglected.
As one of the main sponsors we support this year's World Usability Day Karlsruhe and
will be present with our team and a small booth. We are looking forward to exciting
presentations and stimulating conversations with all guests and interested parties!
The complete agenda and all information about the WUD in Karlsruhe can also
be found on the website:
User Experience Design at let's dev - so that your product becomes an experience!
As a service provider for custom software, let's dev plans, designs and programs
application solutions for various companies and industries. In addition to the planning
and implementation of the software, the area of user experience design is of central
importance to us for product development.
Our experts from the UX design team support and advise our clients in the areas of
usability, user centered, user experience and user interface design.
We develop attractive user interfaces and use well thought-out interaction concepts to
ensure that our applications are functional, pleasant to use and, above all, meet the
user's needs.