The partnership between the two cities of Karlsruhe and Nottingham has now existed for 50
years - and the exchange is correspondingly close in the academic field as well. As part
of a three-day program on the topic of "European Creative and SmartCities Challenge", a
delegation of around students from various disciplines, professors and accompanying
staff from Nottingham Trent University (NTU) visited Karlsruhe. The key question: How
can cities and universities work together in the future to foster creativity and
innovation? - This is an exciting task, also in view of the United Kingdom's possible
withdrawal from the European Union.
In addition to Smart City Development topics such as mobility solutions of the future,
Karlsruhe's concepts for promoting the creative industries played a prominent role in
the program. The creative park Alter Schlachthof in the eastern part of Karlsruhe was
presented as a successful project. On the site, players from various sectors of the
cultural and creative industries are to work together in an innovative, communicative
and inspiring environment. In addition to a tour of the including a guided tour of the
two business incubators Perfekt Futur and the consolidation and expansion center (FUX),
the students were able to get to know the founders and creatives from the Schlachthof
area and their work personally. Managing director of let's dev Karl-J. Wack presented in
his lecture the comprehensive service offerings of the company and spoke about the
development on the site. let's dev has been located on the site since 2013 and moved
into new, larger premises at FUX.