The building blocks of the funding
The funding program comprises three modules:
- Digitized business processes,
- Digital market development and
- IT Security.
For each of the modules, the BMWi authorizes consulting companies that have a high level
of expertise in the respective fields. The aim is to provide the funded companies with
the best possible support and help them find individual solutions for online commerce,
the digitalization of everyday business and the increasing need for security in digital
Who can be sponsored?
In the go-digital funding program, companies in the commercial sector (SMEs), including
the skilled trades, with technological potential that meet the following conditions can
be advised:
- Employment of less than 100 employees
- Maximum annual sales of 20 million euros in the past year
- Eligibility under the De-minimis
- A permanent establishment or branch office in Germany
Funding is thus approved according to clear criteria, which can also apply to start-ups,
provided that there is a "significant business operation with sufficient sales".
Expert for all modules
Thanks to many years of experience in consulting and developing custom software, let's
dev has sound, technical expertise in all areas and is one of the few consulting
companies to be authorized in all three of the above-mentioned modules.
We do the paperwork
In order to make it easier for companies to enter the funding program, we take over the
application process and inform you about work steps and measures within the framework of
an individual project plan. We are at your side as competent advisors throughout the
entire process.
If you are interested in go-digital or have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact Mr. Karl-J. Wack by phone at +49 721 266765 0 or by e-mail at